The films
Collective and individual views
Here you can watch the films created by project members as a result of our work together. Participants worked on a group film based on the storyboarding produced during our second and third workshops, and footage filmed at St Nicks. These materials were edited together to illustrate the main themes discussed by the group: the benefits of spending time in nature; the barriers that might stop people from venturing outdoors and elements that can support them in doing so; the fact that enjoying nature is a personal experience and each individual has different preferences; how spending time in nature can improve how we perceive other aspects of our lives.
While the group was very happy with this film, there were some personal elements of the individual experiences of green and blue spaces that could not be fully accommodated by the group film. For this reason, project members also worked on producing personal films. These show images captured by project participants in their own time. We considered it important to show the places that project members have an ongoing relationship with, and the individual films were ideal to do so. Each individual film strengthens some themes contained in the group film, while adding personal reflections on the participants' experiences of green and blue spaces.
Unlocking Nature - the group film

Unlocking Nature - individual films
John & Simon
This film is a collaboration between John and Simon, where Simon provided images from his repertoire as a professional photographer, and John recorded a voice over to express his personal preferences in terms of green and blue spaces, with a focus on solitude, stillness, and mindfullness.

The materials in this film were created by Louise. The images have been captured during her regular walks in nature, showing places she knows intimately. Louise captured the same places at different times of the day, to illustrate how moods and feelings can vary even in the same place. In fact, the theme of this film is diversity: Louise here reflects on how the experience of nature can changes person by person, season by season, place by place.

The materials in this film were created by Rosie. As other project participants, Rosie already had a practice of photographing natural places from before joining this project. For this film, she has selected a number of images that range from the sea and vast landscapes to pots of plants at home. In fact, nature has a beneficial effect even when experienced in small doses. We don't need to necessarily travel far. Rosie's film teaches us that nature is all around us.